2015 -- 2018 澳门永利yl6776 澳门永利yl6776 经济学硕士
2018 -- 2022 天津大学 管理与经济学部 管理学博士
1. Shaopeng Cao. 第一作者. (2023). CSR gap and firm performance: An organizational justice perspective. Journal of Business Research(ABS3星,SSCI-JCR1区)
2. Shaopeng Cao. 通讯作者. (2022). Interactions among the human and organizational factors within the public sector regarding epidemic prevention and control. Risk Analysis(ABS4星,SCI-JCR1区)
3. Shaopeng Cao. 第二作者. (2019). The impact of knowledge trade on sustainable development and environment-biased technical progress. Technological Forecasting and Social Change(ABS3星,SSCI-JCR1区)
4. Shaopeng Cao. 通讯作者. (2023). Carrot and stick: Does dual-credit policy promote green innovation in auto firms? Journal of Cleaner Production(ABS2星,SCI-JCR1区)
5. Shaopeng Cao. 第一作者. (2022). Vertical Interlock and Firm Value: The Role of Corporate Innovation. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade(ABS2星,SSCI-JCR1区)
6. Shaopeng Cao. 第一作者. (2021). Digital finance, green technological innovation and energy-environmental performance: Evidence from China's regional economies. Journal of Cleaner Production(ABS2星,SCI-JCR1区)
7. Shaopeng Cao. 第一作者. (2023). Academic Independent Director Abnormal Resignations and R&D Investment: Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade(ABS2星,SSCI-JCR1区)
8. Shaopeng Cao (通讯作者) Financial Development and Energy Environmental Performance: Evidence from China’s Regional Economies[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023: 1-15. (SCI-JCR2区)
9. Shaopeng Cao. 通讯作者. (2022). How does coal consumption constraint policy affect electrical energy efficiency? Evidence from 30 Chinese provinces. Energy Efficiency(SCI-JCR3区)
10. 曹绍朋. 第一作者.(2022)投资者关注带来了创新学习压力吗——基于创新同群效应视角,运筹与管理(自然科学基金委A类期刊),已录用
11. Shaopeng Cao. 第一作者. (2023)A Good Neighbor, A Found Treasure: Do Local Neighbors Affect Corporate Innovation? Journal of Product Innovation Management 二审返修,(ABS4星,SSCI-JCR1区)
1. 2022 -- 至今,山东省自然科学基金青年项目:中国上市公司创新行为决策因素研究:基于信息与资源视角,主持者。
2. 2021 -- 至今,国家自然科学基金面上项目:Knight不确定性、投资者行为与市场崩溃,课题参与者。
3. 2017 -- 2019,教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目:考虑区域差异的绿色技术进步测度与优化研究,课题参与者。
1. 作为Journal of Cleaner Production; Energy Economics; Economic Modelling; Risk Analysis; Emerging Markets Finance and Trade; 运筹与管理等国内外期刊的匿名审稿人。
2. 在中国金融学年会;金融系统工程与风险管理年会;数量经济学国际学术会议;中国数量经济学年会;The Asian Finance Association 2021 Annual Meeting;China Accounting and Finance Conference;中国行为与实验经济学会议;“中国发展理论”国际年会等国内外学术会议上宣讲论文并作为论文点评人。